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Susan Kattwinkel, PhD

Professional info​

​I am currently a Professor of Theatre History in the Department of Theatre and Dance at the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina.

PhD - University of Texas, Austin​

​Theatre History and Criticism. Dissertation: "Audience Participation in Contemporary Variety Theatre"


MA - Emerson College​

Performing Arts, Concentration in Directing


BA - College of William and Mary

Theatre and Speech




2010 - present

Leadership, Administrative, and Grant Activity (Selected)

Mellon Institute of Theater and Performance Research – Harvard University, June 2017.

NAST accreditation documents, 2001-2002, 2004-2005, 2013, 2015-2016, Department representation at NAST conference, 2016-17.

Leadership Institute Transition Team, ATHE, appointed October 2015.

Leadership Institute mentor, sponsored by the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, August 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018

NSF, Senior Personnel – Faculty Associate - Computing in the Arts: A Model Curriculum - ~$200,000, 2012.

NSF, co-Primary Investigator on virtual reality project “Virtual Vaudeville,” funding amount - $900,000, 2001-2004.

Research Fellowship, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin. One-month stipend for research at the library. July 2007.

ICFAD Fellow – I was a nominated fellow at the International Council of Fine Arts Deans conference and attended a leadership pre-conference, 2008, nominated by Dean Valerie Morris.

South Carolina Women in Higher Education Leadership Development Forum, April, 2005, nominated by Dean Valerie Morris and Provost Elise Jorgens.

Leadership Institute, sponsored by the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, August 2001, nominated by Dean Valerie Morris

NINCH - I was one of 100 humanities scholars from across the country to be invited to                  the Building Blocks Project of NINCH (National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage) in Washington, D.C., in 2000, designed to set up networks of scholars discussing and planning ways of using new technologies to enhance pedagogy and research in the humanities.

2010 - present

Publications (Selected)



Performing Arts as High-Impact Practice, co-edited with Michelle Hayford. The Arts in Higher Education Series, series editor Nancy Kindelan. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.

Audience Participation: Crossing Time and Genre, editor and contributor - Praeger Press, 2002.

Tony Pastor Presents: Afterpieces from the Vaudeville Stage, editor and introductions  - Greenwood Press, 1998.

Articles and Book Chapters:

"Constraint and Violence: Boxing on the Popular Stage in the Nineteenth Century." In Sporting Performances: Politics in Play, edited by Shannon Walsh. Routledge, 2020.

"Monstrosity or Medical Miracle?: Incubator Baby Sideshows and the Contradictions of the Progressive Era," in Performing the Progressive Era: Immigration, Urban Life, and Nationalism on Stage, eds. Max Schulman and J. Christopher Westgate. U of Iowa Press, 2019.

"The Tradition of the Eccentric Body in Vaudeville: Subversion and Power in Performance" – The Journal of American Drama and Theatre, Vol 24, no. 3, 2012.

"Abraham," The Broadview Anthology of Medieval Drama, Broadview Press, 2012.

"Spreading American Feminism: The Vagina Monologues and Cultural Identity" in Signatures of the Past: Cultural Memory in Contemporary Anglophone North American Drama, eds. Marc Maufort and Caroline De Wagter. Peter Lang, 2008.

"Irish and American: Forging Identity through the 19th Century Vaudeville Afterpiece," in Interrogating America through Theatre and Performance, ed., William W. Demastes. Palgrave/Macmillan, 2007.

“A Relationship in Flux: Variety Theatre and Government in the 20th Century” - Theatre Symposium  - Vol. 9, 2001.

"Absence as a Site for Debate: Modern Feminism and Victorianism in the Plays of Susan Glaspell" - New England Theatre Journal - Vol. 7, 1996.

"Tony Pastor's Vaudeville: Serving the New York Community" - Library Chronicle of the University of Texas at Austin - Vol. 25, no. 3, 1995.

Journal Editor:

Journal of American Drama and Theatre

Book Review Editor, 2015 - 2017

Theatre Symposium: A Publication of the Southeastern Theatre Conference, 2003-2005, issues 12 and 13

            Associate Editor, 2001-2003

            Editorial Board, 2005-present

Theatre Insight (Univ. of Texas - Austin), Managing Editor -  - Vol.5, no.1, Dec. 1993

Book and Performance Reviews and Encyclopedia Entries:

"Robin O. Warren's Women on Southern Stages, 1800-1865" – The Journal of Southern History, 84:1 (February 2018).

"Andrew Davis' Baggy Pants Comedy: Burlesque and the Oral Tradition" – The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, 28:1 (Fall 2013).

“Mark Cosdon’s The Hanlon Brothers:  From Daredevil Acrobatics to Spectacle Pantomime, 1833-1931” Theatre History Studies, 31 (2011).

"Esther Romeyn's Street Scenes", Theatre Research International, 35:1 (March 2010).

2 entries on vaudeville - Encyclopedia of Broadway and American Culture, Ed. Tom Greenfield (Greenwood Press, 2010).

Spoleto Festival theatre pieces 2008 - Theatre Journal, Volume 61, Number 1, March 2009.

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